Download The Dollop Book of Frosting by Heather Saffer (.ePUB)

The Dollop Book of Frosting: Sweet and Savory Icings, Spreads, Meringues, and Ganaches for Dessert and Beyond by Heather Saffer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 13,6 MB
Overview: 45 flavorful frostings that truly take the cake! After her appearance on Food Network’s Cupcake Wars, thousands traveled far and wide for a bite of Heather “Cupcakes” Saffer’s delicious desserts, but it wasn’t just the warm cake they were clamoring for—they couldn’t get enough of the gourmet frostings that adorned the irresistible treats. In this book, she shares her most decadent frosting recipes, a variety of creative uses for the icings, and the memories that inspired her to concoct such extraordinary flavor combinations.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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