Download The Deep State Deception Part 1 & 2 by David Braxton (.ePUB)

The Deep State Deception Part 1 & 2 by David Braxton
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI Reader, 1 MB
Overview: David Braxton lives in Redlands, CA with his vastly superior daughter, her online streaming friend and a bunny who managed to get his own room by being too damn cute. He loves to play tennis (not the bunny); at least, he likes to call it playing. A more apt description would be shanking. He has determined that the three worst words in television history are: To Be Continued. He hates cliff-hangers; so, he binge-watches TV shows. He keeps waiting for the Lakers to turn the franchise around and hopes it happens before they stick his ashes in an urn and bury it in the garden. He doesn’t want his ashes to be scattered; he has spent too much of his life being scattered.
Genre: Science Fiction, Dystopian

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#1 The Deep State Deception Part 1: Operation Game Over
Inspired by the success of Vladimir Llich Lenin and desperately angry at the direction of the United States, Aston Bennev develops a tactical plan to change the nation. To start his plan, he needs to find a pliable icon to be the face of this new nation. He finds Lamont P. Rudd. Through brazen lies, manipulation, and a coalition of bigots, his man, Rudd, is twice elected president of the United States.

Rudd carries out Bennev’s plan to deconstruct the administration of the government. Just as Bennev hopes, the economy is ravaged, and the nation is bitterly divided and desperate.

With the country on the edge of collapse and the population on the brink of all out rebellion, the final phase is ready to begin.

Only Carter Baxter and a handful of others stand in the path of authoritarian rule, and they are on the run.

#2 The Deep State Deception Part 2: Operation Game Over
Inspired by the success of Vladimir Llich Lenin and desperately angry at the direction of the United States, Aston Bennev develops a tactical plan to change the nation. To start his plan, he needs to find a pliable icon to be the face of this new nation. He finds Lamont P. Rudd. Through brazen lies, manipulation, and a coalition of bigots, his man, Rudd, is twice elected president of the United States.

Rudd carries out Bennev’s plan to deconstruct the administration of the government. Just as Bennev hopes, the economy is ravaged, and the nation is bitterly divided and desperate.

With the country on the edge of collapse and the population on the brink of all out rebellion, the final phase is ready to begin.

Only Carter Baxter and a handful of others stand in the path of authoritarian rule, and they are on the run.

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