Download The Daughters of Elyon Series by Alison Naomi Holt (.ePUB)+

The Daughters of Elyon Series (1-2, 4) by Alison Naomi Holt
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI Reader, 4.2MB | Retail
Overview: Alison Naomi Holt is devoted to giving her readers strong female characters who go about life with zest and abandon. Whether they solve mysteries or fight epic fantasy battles, they all have one trait in common; they are people you’d love to call friend. Known for being a strong woman herself, Alison has worn many hats and as a result, writes in several genres. From twenty years as a cop to being an avid horsewoman and an avid reader of fantasy fiction, She writes what she knows. Alison has a bizarre sense of humor, a realistic look at life, and an insatiable desire to live life to the fullest. She loves all horses and hounds and some humans…
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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#1 – Elyon’s Blades
Elyon’s Blades, book one of the new fantasy series, The Daughters of Elyon, is an epic fantasy adventure that takes place in the Cibían Empire.

The story follows the military sect of all-woman warriors who live in the Temple of Elyon, led by their fierce Arch Priestess, Sábria.

As protectors of all women in the empire, the Daughters of Elyon are constantly on the move, rescuing women from dangerous situations and seeking vengeance for those who were not saved in time. They are an unbreakable force, bonded by their shared mission and their devotion to the Goddess Elyon.

#2 – Elyon’s Ghost
The Daughters of Elyon. This series introduces a world full of intrigue and adventure, one that pulls the reader deep into the lives of the characters and refuses to let go.

The story follows Sábria, the Arch Priestess, and her warriors, commonly known as Elyon’s Blades—strong female protagonists following the mandates of their Goddess, Elyon, who demands her warriors risk all to defend womankind.

#4 – Elyon’s Regret
In the captivating sapphic epic fantasy, "Elyon’s Regret," experience a clash of justice, power, and personal triumph amidst a world of unruly nobles and chaotic festivals. Set in the vibrant capital city of Sarlogne during the Emperor’s festival, the story unfolds with the convergence of visiting nobility from far-flung kingdoms, sparking chaos and disorder.

Forced to face her haunting past, Arch Priestess Sábria embarks on a remarkable journey towards an uncertain future. "Elyon’s Regret" immerses you in a realm of power struggles, profound responsibilities, and transformative growth. Explore the intricate connections between characters as they navigate a society where nobility’s opulence and entitlement overshadow compassion and justice.

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