Download The Darkest Star series by Zenina Masters (.ePUB)+

The Darkest Star series by Viola Grace as Zenina Masters (Books #1-7)
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Overview: Zenina Masters was born in Canada and lives in Canada. She has a regular job and does nothing particularly exciting with her life. She enjoys fishing, silence and the ability to pick and choose friends she can trust. Life is too short to watch your back all the time. Her writing life is a teeny bit of escapism. She would probably chicken out if confronted by three naked men and looks forward to one day finding out.
Genre: Erotic Sci-Fi Romance


1. Warlord’s Prize: Enari has never made a choice between fight or flight, it is fight all the way, even when she is given to a race of warriors as their Warlord’s prize. A stranger to her own people, Enari has never felt that she had a place on Fennar. When the lottery destines her to be a bride of the Asku, she makes her displeasure known, even though her battle against a security unit has a predictable ending. Wounded and bleeding, she doesn’t consider herself a prime candidate for a mate, but the wife of the Overlord, and mother of Warlord Drion, has other ideas. Enari has all the characteristics of a prime female and as soon as the Warlord Drion returns from battle, he will claim his prize.

2. Dancing for the Skylord: Teera loves the law, but returning to a planet that holds few good memories to act as Mediator puts her directly at the feet of one man she thought never to meet. Teera has grown up learning, reading and loving the intricacies of interplanetary law but when she is requested as a Mediator on her mother’s homeworld protocol subverts her role in the world and she has to knuckle under to her family. When one of her cousins breaks an ankle, Teera is forced to uphold Clan honour by taking her place, joining the others and dancing for the Skylord.

3. A Hunted Darkness: Ceezee is under contract to steal but will the War Leader let her go when her assignment is over or will he keep her too close for comfort? Ceezee has lived her life as a thief for her clan. Rented out to the Asku she is prepared to find an object that the warriors themselves cannot retrieve. She faces her commander with grace, style and a collection of weapons under her robes. Ceezee prides herself on being ready for anything but she underestimated her reaction to the War Leader General. Deven has been forced to find an outside source to do what his men cannot, retrieve a power source from one species to return light to another. Treaties bind his hands, but bringing a thief on board is the perfect solution. Attraction flares but he holds back until he is sure that she meets his requirements. Once confirmed that she is suitable he sets plans in motion to keep her from escaping.

4. Dreams of Fire: Dreams of fire have plagued her, but can the embrace of a warrior cool one blaze and start another? Xia has been running from dreams of fire her entire adult life. She warns, threatens and begs, but no one will listen when she tells them she knows when and where the fire will strike. Across twelve worlds she has been chased by the nightmares, and now she finally has met the one man she has been looking for all her life, the man who will use her knowledge to stop the flames from destroying lives. Drov is an Asku of the Velu family, and he is a posted base commander on a world beset by fires. When he was scanning the passenger files of an incoming ship, he found a woman he wanted without knowing she existed. Xia will tell him where the fire is, and in return, he offers her a home, a world and so much more.

5. Called by Honour: Avvel was born to be a bodyguard but when she is given away as a bride, she has to consider that fate is playing a game, and she just might be a winner. Living as a bodyguard for a Whichan noble, Avvel is shocked and betrayed when her charge trades her for an Asku bodyguard willing to be his lover. She must take on her new position with dignity or shame her people, but life in the arms of an Asku is beyond what she expected. Druin wanted the trainer of the elite Whichan guard to come and help the Asku retain a fading art. The trainer is a woman with a mystery surrounding her and there is nothing that Druin enjoys more than getting to the bottom of the woman who can kick his men into heaps on the ground. It’s love at first sight.

6. Broken Ties: Ibbi has to be strong. Blackmailed into using her sight, she has little idea that it will show her the man who will be her destiny. Ibbi is on the run. She broke from her family and disappeared into the stars. The current world she lives on wants her to use her talent as a seer, but it will be akin to putting a target on her back. With no option, she attends the governor’s ball with one goal, to help the Asku meet local virgins of appropriate age. She had no idea that she would meet the man she wanted to link minds with and so much more. The woman in the scarlet dress takes Dreynar’s breath away and as she spends the evening at his side his admiration for the seer grows, as does his appreciation for the form that contains her razor-sharp mind. She will be his, but can her sight make it clear before he has to choose for her?

7. Forbidden Summons: Diyar knew he would never find a woman of his own until one fell from the stars and landed at his feet. Even he can’t miss the hint. Jadoree was compelled to seek out means to travel through the stars and to a new universe, but the moment she arrived, all compulsion went out the window. What now? Diyar had always known his match waited for him in the stars, but when the pod carrying her landed a few feet away from him, he had to admit that fate was coming on strong. Jade joins Diyar as her body begins to react to the brilliance of the world around her. No longer in the dim light of the darkest star, her body begins to develop skills and traits that not only let her thrive, they are designed to let her take over should she choose to. Decisions, decisions.

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