Download The Dark Victorian: Risen by Elizabeth Watasin (.ePUB)

The Dark Victorian: Risen by Elizabeth Watasin (The Dark Victorian #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 283 kb
Overview: “Way will open.”

She is Artifice.
A resurrected criminal and agent of HRH Prince Albert’s Secret Commission.
An artificial ghost.
A Quaker.

He is Jim Dastard.
The oldest surviving agent of the Secret Commission.
An animated skull.
A mentor to newly resurrected agents.

It is 1880 in a mechanical and supernatural London. Agents of Prince Albert’s Secret Commission, their criminal pasts wiped from their memories, are resurrected to fight the eldritch evils that threaten England. Jim Dastard and his new partner Artifice must stop a re-animationist raising murderous dead children. But while Art and Jim pursue him, Art discovers clues about her past, and through meeting various intriguing women—a journalist, a medium, a prostitute, and a woman in black—where her heart lies. A new beginning and new dangers await Art as she fights for the Secret Commission and for her second life.
Genre: Fantasy FF


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