Download The Daisy Dunlop Mystery Box Set by J.L. Simpson (.ePUB)+

The Daisy Dunlop Mystery Box Set by J.L. Simpson (Daisy Dunlop Mystery #1 – 3)
Requirements: ePUB, MOBI, AzW reader l 2.5 MB
Overview: Diminutive English rose, JL Simpson, was stolen away by a giant nomad and replanted in a southern land filled with gum trees and kangaroos. She quickly adapted to her new life, learning the meaning of G’day and mate whilst steadfastly refusing all attempts to convert her to Vegemite. A hunger for exploration awoken by her new surroundings, she traversed the land seeking knowledge and adventure. Despite the trials and tribulations along the way she stood fearless in the face of calamity and embarrassment. With a joyous laugh, and a boundless supply of scones with cream and jam, she stood tall, all fifty-eight inches of her, and shrugged off the humiliation of falling in a freezer and reversing into her own mailbox.
Always ready to accept a challenge she embraced the double headed beast of accounting and taxation and wrestled the monster into submission, placating it with spreadsheets and double entry bookkeeping. Her desire to experience the world led her to embrace a life of crime. Seeking the higher knowledge shared by the great minds of the detective world, she took to worshipping at the altars of the Crime and Investigation channel and Sherlock. A dive into family history and heir hunting soon followed, where she discovered not every family has roots back to English nobility but they all have their fair share of ne’er-do-wells.
She loves sharing tales about the land of her birth along with the unexpected twists of fate that can befall all of us. Holding on to a steadfast belief every obstacle can be overcome, and that you can be more than you ever expected, she spends her moments of solitude creating adventures where mystery and mayhem collide.
Genre: Fiction l Mystery/Thriller l Cozy Mystery


1. Lost Cause – British female sleuth, Daisy Dunlop, thinks “heir hunting” is her dream job. Too bad she has to work with her worst nightmare, private investigator Solomon Liffey. They’ve barely spoken since he took her husband’s request to keep her safe far too literally and handcuffed her to the kitchen sink.
Solomon has no interest in babysitting a new partner, especially this one. The woman’s a bleedin’ liability. She has no concept of danger and could flirt for England at the next Olympics. As if that isn’t bad enough, she has a habit of sticking her nose in where it’s not wanted, including into Solomon’s very private life.
Determined to keep Daisy safely out the way, Solomon sets her the task of finding a missing person. Her investigations land her in the middle of his case. Bullets fly, bombs explode, and the number of murder victims keeps rising. When Solomon goes missing, the tables are turned. Now his life is in Daisy’s hands.

2. Lost & Found – Hot on the success of her first case, British female sleuth Daisy Dunlop can count the offers of work on one finger. An empty bank account and the need to prove to her business partner, private investigator Solomon Liffey, that she is an asset not a liability, calls for drastic measures. Terror has to be overcome as she answers a plea to find the one thing that gives her night sweats and flashbacks. A dog! A missing stud poodle to be exact.
Solomon’s amusement at Daisy’s new case is short lived when the arrest of his former girlfriend, Lisa, leaves him with the fulltime care of his young daughter, Molly. A dead man is discovered in Lisa’s bed. Now he needs to help find the killer before Molly’s safety is compromised.
When Daisy realizes the dead man is linked to her current case, Solomon and Daisy are forced to work together to rescue the dog and uncover the killer’s motives. Would the sexual prowess of a poodle really incite someone to murder, or is the real motive hidden somewhere in Solomon’s secret past?

3. Lost Property – Despite her best efforts heir hunter Daisy Dunlop is yet to trace anyone who is entitled to the assets left by the dearly departed. Bills are mounting, her husband is hinting that she should get a real job, and another heir hunter keeps stealing her cases. When she gets a call from a solicitor who wants to hire her to find the sister of a dead client success appears to be at hand. It’s just too bad the solicitor hired her on the recommendation of her ex-partner, Solomon.
Solomon’s not used to being dumped, so when his girlfriend calls time on their relationship and disappears he wants to know why. If she won’t talk to him she will talk to her best friend, Daisy. So, despite having sacked her as a partner a few months ago, he now needs to win her back. Putting a case her way, and making himself indispensable, is just the start.
Together they set out to give Daisy her first success as an heir hunter. However, it soon becomes apparent the solicitor’s client was not who he claimed to be, and every attempt to find his real identity leads to another dead body. When Daisy becomes the police’s main suspect in their murder case Solomon gives up the one thing he swore never to lose, his freedom. When Solomon disappears Daisy risks the only thing that truly matters, her husband Paul.

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