Download The Cycle of Fire series by Janny Wurts (.ePUB)

The Cycle of Fire series by Janny Wurts (#1-#3)
Requirements: Epub reader, 3.4 MB
Overview: Janny Wurts is the author of Stormed Fortress and To Ride Hell’s Chasm and thirteen other novels, a short story collection, as well as the internationally best selling Empire trilogy, co authored with Raymond E. Feist. Her most recent title in the Wars of Light and Shadow series, Stormed Fortress, culminates more than twenty years of carefully evolved ideas. The cover images on the books, both in the US and abroad, are her own paintings, depicting her vision of characters and setting.
Genre: Fantasy


1. Stormwarden
The first novel in the The Circle of Fire trilogy. As a new plot threatens mankind’s survival, three children stand at the crux. All possess extraordinary talents, but each of them is flawed. In need of all their help is the Stormwarden, last Vaere-trained sorcerer, condemned now and trapped in a desperate quandry.

2. Keeper of the Keys
Torn from his post as scribe’s apprentice, Ivainson Jaric has been charged to defend the Keys that keep the Mharg demons bound. Jaric’s blood gifts him with the potential for power–but the training required to fulfill his talent holds dire peril.

3. Shadowfane
Ivainson Jaric, heir to the Firelord’s legacy, is caught in a life and death struggle to win his inherited powers. Taen Dreamweaver battles her evil brother, corrupted by demons to slaughter his own kind. If either one of the falls, the Stormwarden will never win free of his icy imprisonment to help their cause.
As Scait, Demonlord of Shadowfane, uses his captured human talent for his conquest, his machinations raise an even greater threat, one that could hurl all the world to its destruction , and end mankind’s chance of reclaiming freedom among the stars…
And so the Cycle of Fire races toward its powerful conclusion!

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