Download The Cycle Of Fire Series (2021 editions) by Janny Wurts (.ePUB)

The Cycle Of Fire Series by Janny Wurts (Book 1, 3) (2021 editions)
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Overview: Janny Wurts was born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. In the 1980s, she worked as an illustrator for role-playing game supplements for Mayfair Games.

Wurts has written numerous fantasy novels. Beyond writing, Wurts’ award winning paintings have been showcased in exhibitions of imaginative artwork, among them a commemorative exhibition for NASA’s 25th Anniversary; the Art of the Cosmos at Hayden Planetarium in New York; and two exhibits of fantasy art, at both the Delaware Art Museum and Canton Art Museum.

Wurts resides in Florida with her husband, artist Don Maitz.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-fi/Fantasy/Horror

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#1 – Stormwarden
First in the classic Cycle of Fire trilogy from the acclaimed fantasy author: "An outstanding piece of work in every way." -Andre Norton, New York Times-bestselling author

Caught in an evil plot by a king’s emissary keen to seize power, Anskiere-master of wind, wave, and weather-submits to a false accusation of mass murder in order to spare the innocent village that sheltered him.

When his desperate act of resistance traps him in a prison of his own making, Anskiere must rely on the undying loyalty of a young girl, her older brother’s obsessive quest for vengeance, and the weakling descendant of his greatest betrayer, once master of fire and earth, to thwart the ruinous ambition of his enemies. Together, the three will face a critical challenge: the rescue of Anskiere-and the unbinding of demons bent on humanity’s destruction

#3 – Shadowfane
Jaric, the Firelord’s heir, has narrowly survived repeated attacks by the demons-psionically endowed beings-and evaded their attempts to enslave him. Now, on the Isle of Vaere, he trains for his final ordeal: mastery of the Cycle of Fire challenge that broke his father’s sanity.

In the dark court of Scait, Demon Lord of Shadowfane, a vicious adversary arises to a tainted destiny. Emien retains the shape of a man, but his warped snarl of hatred and passion are controlled by a ruthless master. He is recruited to seek out human children who possess latent talent for sorcery and suborn them to further Scait’s conquest,. With Jaric’s fate uncertain, Emien’s own sister, Taen Dreamweaver, must stand on her own to defend humanity, unaware that the victims she spares are the innocent bait to lure her into the malignant thrall of Shadowfane’s overlords

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