Download The Custos Series by Savannah Verte (.ePUB)

The Custos Series by Savannah Verte (Books #1-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 859 KB
Overview: A lifelong lover of words and reading, Savannah Verte hasn’t quite figured out what she wants to write when she grows up. Born and raised in the upper Midwest, Savannah’s gypsy spirit and never quit attitude keep her busy and seldom idle. For so many reasons, Savannah considers herself a ‘Contemporary Vagabond’ when it comes to writing and hopes that others find her diverse offerings as enjoyable to read as they are to write.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Book of Time (The Custos #1): One book could change the world…or destroy it.
A mysterious group known only as the Custos are charged with protecting the Book of Time and its appointed keeper. The equally secretive White Diamond society is determined to gain possession of the book, no matter what the cost.
The stakes are high as alliances are forged and broken, power and passion collide, and the world descends on New Orleans to celebrate the Mardi Gras of 1950.
This exciting prequel to The Book of Change sets the stage with grudges as old as time, dangerous new desires, and a darkness that will haunt the Keeper and those who have vowed to keep her safe.
Book of Time is an Urban Fantasy Tale.

Book of Change (The Custos #2): Adelia Hemstock’s tenure as Keeper cannot end fast enough. She’s been looking over her shoulder since day one and she’s sure she recognizes a few faces in the crowd now. When the book is taken from the safest place she knows, Adelia comes face to face with a new reality, and her Custos.
Rourke Templest has secretly guarded the book, and Adelia, for more than half of her lifetime. In the wrong place at the wrong time, the book is taken on his watch and he must emerge from the shadows to reclaim it, or get Adelia to New Orleans and secured. If White Diamond has the book, they absolutely cannot have the only person currently able to read it.
The feisty Keeper Rourke has only known from a distance until now, is a complication to the job that must be done. With only forty-eight hours to act, Adelia’s world turns upside down as they race to recover the book leaving a trail of murder, conspiracy, cover up, and chaos in their wake.
Can they recover it in time? Not even the Keeper knows.

Book of Mysteries (The Custos #3): Twins Poppy and Bergie share everything, including an ability to read the mysterious book that Bergie gets Mardi Gras Day when the Muddy Graws debut in the Rex parade. Two potential Keepers makes double the work for the Custos guardian, who can’t be two places at once. Poppy’s book grab from its hiding place in a fit of anger potentially changes everything, and could shift the balance between light and dark.
Sebastian Winder has his hands full. The new Keeper has a twin who knows more than she should, and who is actively interacting with a member of White Diamond. 1920 can’t come fast enough. Fearing the inevitable worst, the guardian asks for an assistant. Who he gets, is Ramsby Roth, a fresh from the Farther Fields, greener than green Custos with no experience.
In this third installment, it might take every one available to keep the book from the wrong hands as the odds are stacking against them. Just when they think the end is in sight, World War I erupts, Bergie is sent to serve, and Carnival festivities in New Orleans are cancelled. What if there’s no Mardi Gras?
How can they keep the book safe now, or get it to the new Keeper?
Only the book knows.

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