Download The Crystal War Saga by Roderick Donatus (.ePUB)+

The Crystal War Saga (1-3) by Roderick Donatus
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI /AZW Reader,2.6MB | Retail
Overview: Hi! I’m Roderick.

The first story I remember writing was a retelling of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’, told from the perspective of the wolf. I wrote it as a play for my hand puppets. At the time, I thought it was incredibly inventive. And it was pretty terrible. I was also 8 years old.

I never did finish that story, but I did fall in love with stories and story telling. I’m never far from a good book. And while I’ll read almost anything, I have a preference for reading and writing fantasy.

After dabbling with writing stories over the years I finally sat down to write a book in 2019. And I haven’t stopped yet.

When I’m not writing I spend most of my time with my wife and two daughters. Any remaining time goes to rock climbing, gardening and trying to play the guitar.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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#1 – Defender of Gilgin
When he searches for an ancient secret, he awakens a dark enemy. Now he needs to stop them to prevent the second apocalypse.

Imprisoned by a power-hungry judge, Finn just wants to keep out of trouble and reach the end of his harsh sentence. Then he accidentally unearths a Manhir, a mythical creature of legend that heralded the apocalypse a thousand years ago.

To his shock, the Manhir helps Finn escape, making him question the stories of its fearsome reputation. Bound by friendship, they go on a quest to discover the truth about the mythical events which gave the Manhir their evil reputation.

The Inquisition’s high priest however, clings to old superstition, and pursues Finn and his new friend across the realm to exterminate them. Then, as they dig for the lost secrets, they awaken an ancient enemy. Finn will need all his wits and willpower to thwart this dark power and avert a second apocalypse.

#2 Betrayer of Gilgin
His allies helped him defend Gilgin against their ancient enemy, but can they be trusted enough to help him win the war?

After the battle for Gilgin, Finn finds himself the ruler of the city. When the winter snows melt, news reaches him that the nightmarish race of the Ochloroc is stirring in the North to once again threaten their lands.

Meanwhile at home Jorun, the previous ruler of Gilgin who Finn replaced, is raising an army. He claims to be fighting for the good of the city, but Finn hasn’t forgotten that the man tried to kill him not even a year ago. Can he trust him now?

In desperate need of allies Finn tries to hold the city of Gilgin together to weather the oncoming storm, even as he wonders who he needs to fear more – his enemies or his friends?

#3 – Savior of Gilgin
Defeated and on the run, he’s the only one standing between his ancient enemy and the end of the world.

After the fall of the city of Gilgin, Finn flees from the evil race of the Ochloroc carrying only his trusted axe. The nightmarish creatures pursue him with all their might. As the leader of the resistance against their invasion, they want him dead.

At the same time, they embarked on a dark project to enhance their evil magic to god-like strength. Finn sees only one way to save himself and the people he loves; he needs to find a way to end their threat once and for all.

Hunted, Finn goes on a quest through enemy infested lands, searching for ancient knowledge to aid him. He finds vague hints and long lost legends about a weapon crafted by the gods themselves. As his enemies pursue him, he discovers that they are searching for the same knowledge.

And they have a year’s head-start on him.

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