Download The Crystal Child by Theodore Roszak (.ePUB)

The Crystal Child: A Story of the Buried Life by Theodore Roszak
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 442KB
Overview: Julia Stein, a brilliant gerontologist, is entrusted with an exceptional case. Aaron Lacey is a child suffering from progeria, a condition that prematurely ages the boy and dooms him to an early death. Using extremely unconventional methods, Julia treats the boy and finds that Aaron undergoes a series of metamorphoses which transform him into a being of rare beauty and intelligence. The doctor’s attempts to cure the disease of time results in the boy’s breaking free of time, shattering the hourglass and moving into disturbing areas of existence. This posthumous novel continues Theodore Roszak’s critique of a society captive and captivated by a strictly rationalistic scientific worldview. The Crystal Child: A Story of the Buried Life is an unsettling reflection on the body, aging and the passage of time.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror


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