Download The Crown Princess’ Voyage by Dylan Madeley (.ePUB)

The Crown Princess’ Voyage by Dylan Madeley (The Gift-Knight Trilogy #2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader 471 kb
Overview: "Who or what anchored her to that palace?" Chandra Kenderley is the crown princess of the world’s mightiest empire. She has successfully foiled two conspirators, each with different visions of what her empire should be. In the truest testament to her power, Derek, her greatest and most dangerous enemy, has become a loyal personal guard. Sorcery may be nothing more than a people’s superstition with little basis in fact, but in the face of such feats their beliefs only grow stronger. Peace in Kensrik will be short-lived. The people still demand more drastic changes to the way they are governed, and even a prime minister sympathetic to Chandra’s plight can’t do better than suggest that Chandra flee for her own safety. How wonderfully convenient that an invitation should arrive from a land not even marked on the world maps of the day, suggesting one place where Chandra might be not only welcome but respected. That’s what the sender is counting on; the same puppet master who hoped that Lords Merton and Belheff would get the job done. Alathea has plans to reshape the entire world, and they encompass a dangerous obsession with Derek and Chandra. She knows Chandra must accept that invitation. She knows Chandra will have nowhere else to go, and she expects poor bewitched Derek to follow Chandra until Alathea can save him from humiliating servitude…
Genre: Children’s & Young Adult


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