Download The Cosmic Blade by Marc Mulero (.ePUB)

The Cosmic Blade by Marc Mulero (Broken Tech Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 572kb
Overview: Cyborg and god must unite to save the universe. Slip rescued his mentor from certain death and his district from annihilation, but that was only the beginning. Time to select a warrior to defend the world is running out. The western gods chose Slip. Slip chose Slip. But in the trials to come, he realizes… he is not ready. The eastern Sci-gods sense weakness in the west, and invade with their own chosen warriors to eliminate the competition. One cyborg rises to counter Slip – Daku Atari – and proves to tower over him in both skill and rank.
Brought to his knees, Slip races to the east to win the foreign gods’ favor and grow his Tech strong enough to destroy Daku, or risk the planet being drowned by the whims of conquerors. And if he intends to win, Slip will have to make a grand sacrifice. So continues the journey of the god killer… and the unifier of worlds.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy | Cyberpunk Sci-Fi


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