Download The Consultant by Sean Oliver (.ePUB)

The Consultant by Sean Oliver
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1001 KB
Overview: Why would your entire school want you dead?

Things at P.S. 21 haven’t been the same since that Albrecht guy started doing professional development workshops in their building. Now Deanna’s best friend is missing without a trace and it seems she’s the only one who can get to the bottom of the young teacher’s disappearance.

Deanna knows with everything in her being that her school was responsible for her friend’s fate. She is determined to solve it even if it means accepting that those closest to her are planning some unspeakable acts. Will she be able to stop them before they carry out their ultimate mission?

She’s about to find out that her own disappearance is next in their plans. Just when you thought you knew the person in the classroom next to you…the consultant arrives.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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