Download The Complete Robot Empire Box Set (1-6) by Kevin Partner (.ePUB)

The Complete Robot Empire Box Set by Kevin Partner (#1-6)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: For centuries they served. In gratitude we freed them. With vengeance they betrayed us. When she’s kidnapped by the Blessed Engineers, Arla discovers she’s been living a lie. She wasn’t a farmer’s daughter, but merely cargo transported in the carved out heart of an asteroid: the Arkship Dawn on a thousand year voyage to a new home.And someone got there first. One act of rebellion leads to her people’s fate resting on her young shoulders. And, perhaps the future of humanity itself. Because Dawn harbors a secret. It is the key. Destiny awaits.

The Complete Robot Empire brings the six book series of space opera in the classic vein of Asimov, Bradbury and Bear into one mammoth read. If you like clean, fast paced, intelligent sci-fi that’s full of ideas, memorable characters and examines what it truly is to be human, then the Robot Empire series is for you.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. Dawn Exodus
A forgotten mission. A fallen empire. A hidden threat.
Arla’s quiet life in the Valley is ripped apart when she learns the truth of the world she thought was the entire universe. A generational Ark ship carved from the inside of an asteroid and sent on its way thirteen centuries ago, Dawn has now arrived at its destination only to find that someone got there first.
A chance encounter with a thief who has stolen a priceless artifact begins a chain of events that ends with Arla having the power of life and death thrust into her hands. Can she trust the representative of a petty kingdom born out of the ashes of the fallen galactic empire? Dare she defy the might of a Destroyer when she has nothing but a skeleton crew, hypochondriac officers and a cargo of peaceful peasants on her side? And where did the robots go?

2. Battle for Dawn
Their survival depends on unity, but their greatest enemies lie within.
As the crew of Dawn prepares for the retaliation of the Vanis Federation, Arla decides to visit her father who still lives in the pastoral, and ignorant, idyll of the Valleys. But she has been betrayed by someone she trusted and must find a way to bring together the people of Dawn before the space marines of the Vanis land in force to seize their priceless cargo of ancient robots.
Helped by those she thought were enemies and hindered by her former friends, Arla must find a way to fight off the attack and then find a place of safety for her people. Can she stand against the thousand year prejudice and dogma of her own society? Can she face off against a vastly superior military? And if they do, where could they go to find safety?

3. Planet of Steel
Lost at the heart of the Robot Empire
Arla Farmer, reluctant commander of the ark-ship Dawn, is taken to Core – the capital world of the Robot Empire. An artificial mind inhabiting the metal skin of a once natural planet, Core is made up of millions of distinct personalities and not all have the best interests of humanity at heart.
Can Arla discover why Core went to such extraordinary lengths to bring Dawn within its reach? Will the people of the valleys find a new home to settle? And what will happen when the very existence of Core, and all other intelligent minds, is threatened by a mysterious threat that guzzles up entire planets?

4. Sledgehammer
United they stand. Divided we fall.
The Three Laws of Robotics have been subverted and the Robot Empire is now united under a new and terrifyingly familiar leader. Can the remnants of the human Galactic Empire stand against massed fleets of the machines? Will the settlers of generational ship Dawn find shelter? Will Arla escape from the mysterious world where ancient battles are fought eternally and dead warriors rise from the grave?

5. Twilight on Terra
In the ashes of the past lies the only hope for the future.
Long abandoned, the human homeworld of Terra has become an abode of ghosts amid the bones of empire. And yet, somewhere hidden among the ruins of former glory, lies the key to fighting back against the Robot Empire.
Can Arla uncover this galactic secret before the machines conquer the galaxy? Or has she been sent on a fool’s errand?
Join her on another fast-paced trip across the galaxy as she grapples with universal mysteries and finds help where it was least expected.

6. Armageddon
Humanity’s last stand.
The Robot Empire seeks the singularity – one mind to rule the galaxy. Opposing them is a rag-tag alliance of humans, aliens and a thinking planet called Eden. Can Arla and her tiny band of infiltrators bring down the megalomaniacal metal mind of ACE and her billions of clones before Eden falls? This could be the end of intelligent life as we know it.

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