Download The Complete Book Life-Changing Affirmations by Robert B. Stone(.ePUB)

The Complete Book of Life-Changing Affirmations: Over 200 positive statements for 50 common needs that help free you from fear, want and illness and bring you strength, happiness and success. by Robert B. Stone
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 151 KB
Overview: Self-help author Robert B. Stone builds on our innate creative powers to give you words to create a new world for you. "There are words that, when mentally affirmed, will move you instantly" in the direction of your life’s goal. The author includes over 200 positive statements addressing 50 common needs that can can free the reader from fear, want and illness and bring strength, happiness and success. From overcoming fear of flying or burn-out … to increasing motivation and energy …. Robert Stone offers the positive thoughts and positive words to help and inspire.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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