Download The Compleat Traveller in Black by John Brunner (.ePUB)

The Compleat Traveller in Black by John Brunner
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 924 KB
Overview: The late John Brunner was perhaps as well known for much of his career in the US as in the UK. A leftwing activist, with particular connections to the peace movement, much of his best and most mature fiction is involved in a complex analysis of social trends and where they will take us–novels like Stand on Zanzibar which deals with overpopulation, among other things, and The Sheep Look Up, which is one of sf’s most telling presentations of environmental degradation, are also technically innovative with their multiple viewpoint storylines, interspersed newspaper headlines and fragments of author characters’ expository prose. The Shockwave Rider is more conventional in technique but was one of the first sf novels fully to understand the information technology revolution.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror


This is a collection of stories of the Traveller in Black. It is set in a world where chaos rules. One man – the man with many names, but one nature – is charged with creating order out of the warring forces of nature.

Imprint of Chaos (1960)
Break the Door of Hell (1966)
The Wager Lost by Winning (1970)
The Things That Are Gods (1979)
Dread Empire (1971)

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