The Commander series by Randall Farmer (#5-#7)
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Overview: My blog title came from a desire to have an unencumbered blog, as well to have a blog title that wasn’t in the Microsoft Word dictionary. So, in honor of my title, let’s have a relaxed dally while enjoying foolish trifles.
As a preamble, I take a break from the dreary sameness of Houston to visit the beach community of Port Aransas in the off-season, to relax and to write. For the past several years, I’ve been staying in the same place, and while relaxing on the beach, I’ve gotten to wonder – what are all those tall buildings lining the beach? After a while, I got bored with calling them ‘next beach condo’, ‘next plus one beach condo’, etc., etc. Worse, some of them didn’t even look like beach condos. I didn’t do anything about it, though, until one day at home, while looking at some beach pictures, I again got the urge to name them. Name them without having to go up and down the Port Aransas roads, that is. The trick was finding pictures taken when the normal beach haze wasn’t present (that is, after a cold front has blown through) and the beaches weren’t crowded with people. I did manage to find usable pictures, though my best south-looking picture was too people-cluttered for use, so I had to use one with lower quality viewing conditions.
Genre: Science Fiction
5. No Sorrow Like Separation
Carol Hancock, wife, mother, pillar of the community and faithful member of her church, never expected to contract Transform Sickness. Certainly, she never expected to make that rarest of transformations, the female predator transformation, and become an Arm. Initially captured by the authorities, she escaped and served an apprenticeship under an older Arm, Stacy Keaton. After she graduated from her training, she took the city of Chicago as her territory, and held Chicago until a secretive Major Transform, Wandering Shade, betrayed Carol to the authorities. Carol’s friends rescued her, but only after she fell into juice withdrawal, which greatly damaged her.
Cared for now by Keaton and a male Major Transform by the name of Gilgamesh, Carol must recover her mind, her abilities and her sanity, as well as regain her place as a powerful and influential Major Transform. She will face unexpected dangers, confront new opponents, and gain new friends as she recovers…and more.
6. In This Night We Own
Carol Hancock is a victim of Transform Sickness and a Major Transform, an Arm. Established now with a territory in Houston, Carol works under orders from the senior Arm, Stacy Keaton, to gather an army to fight their major enemy, the male Major Transforms known of as the Hunters, and their boss, the secretive Major Transform known of as Wandering Shade. As she works on this project, Carol also seeks restitution from the leading Focus, Tonya Biggioni, for the many problems Tonya has caused Carol.
Tonya is on the bad side of the Focus Council for lying about her part in Carol’s rescue from incarceration. They give her two nearly impossible jobs, one to bring the Arms back under the control of the Focus Council, and the second, to take over the running of the Focus Mentoring organization. Complicating matters is the fact that Focus Lori Rizzari, a close friend of Carol’s, is running against Tonya for Tonya’s Council seat, pushing a revolutionary agenda that would upset the balance of power among the senior Focuses.
Tonya’s Focus Mentoring work will bring her into contact with a talented and idealistic young Focus, Gail Rickenbach, who she befriends. In addition, a group of Male Major Transforms named the Nobles want to prove themselves as ‘good guys’ to the Transform community, and undertake a quest to rescue a lost Major Transform Sport.
The collision of all of these forces will change the Transform community forever.
7. All That We Are
Among the Transforms, Carol Hancock is one of only three Arms. Reluctantly resigned to the Commander title, Carol organizes her allies to fight the Hunter Chimeras and their secret Crow Master, Wandering Shade. She must contend with her boss, the Arm Stacy Keaton – who demands more from Carol than Carol can deliver; her reluctant allies – some of whom do not even admit to the existence of the Hunters, active traitors within the ranks, and spies. The identity of Wandering Shade and his goals remain the last unanswered mysteries. Uncovering the answers to these will confound Carol and her allies, and cause dissention and weakness in a time where they cannot afford any – the time for the final confrontation with Wandering Shade.
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