Download The Collected Short Stories by Satyajit Ray (.ePUB)

The Collected Short Stories by Satyajit Ray
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 2 MB – Retail
Overview: The best short stories of Satyajit Ray
Best known for his immensely popular Feluda mysteries and the adventures of Professor Shonku, Satyajit Ray was also one of the most skilful short story writers of his generation. Ray’s short stories often explore the macabre and the supernatural, and are marked by the sharp characterization and trademark wit that distinguish his films. This collection brings together Ray’s best short stories—including such timeless gems as ‘Khagam’, ‘Indigo’, ‘Fritz’, ‘Bhuto’, ‘The Pterodactyl’s Egg’, ‘Big Bill’, ‘Patol Babu, Film Star’ and ‘The Hungry Septopus’—which readers of all ages will enjoy.
A collection of forty-nine short stories
Genre: Science Fiction; Fantasy


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