Download The Collected Short Fiction of Robert Aickman (.ePUB)

The Collected Short Fiction of Robert Aickman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: A Collection of Robert Aickman’s Short Fiction Works.
Author of: close to 50 "strange stories" in the weird-tale and ghost-story traditions, two novels (The Late Breakfasters and The Model), two volumes of memoir (The Attempted Rescue and The River Runs Uphill), and two books on the canals of England (Know Your Waterways and The Story of Our Inland Waterways).
Co-founder and longtime president of the Inland Waterways Association, an organization that in the middle of the 20th century restored a great part of England’s deteriorating system of canals, now a major draw for recreation nationally and for tourism internationally.
Grandson of author Richard Marsh.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


The Trains (1951)
Your Tiny Hand Is Frozen (1953)
Ringing The Changes (1955)
The School Friend (1964)
The Wine-Dark Sea (1966)
The Inner Room (1966)
Never Visit Venice (1968)
Into The Wood (1968)
The Swords (1969)
Meeting Mr. Millar (1972)
The Clock Watcher (1973)
Pages From A Young Girl’s Journal (1973)
The Same Dog (1974)
The Hospice (1975)
The Real Road To The Church (1975)
Niemandswasser (1975)
Marriage (1977)
Growing Boys (1977)
Hand In Glove (1979)
The Fetch (1980)
The Stains (1980)
Mark Ingestre: The Customer’s Tale (1980)
Biography Of Robert Aickman by Ron Breznay
Introduction To The Wine-Dark Sea by Peter Straub

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