Download The Coffin Club by Ellen Schreiber (.MP3)

The Coffin Club by Ellen Schreiber (Vampire Kisses 05)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 269 mb
Overview: It’s tough for love-struck Raven to imagine what’s keeping her nocturnal boyfriend from returning to Dullsville. So there’s only one thing to do – find Alexander. Along the way, Raven can’t resist the spot where she feels most at home, the Coffin Club. But when she stumbles upon a secret door in the club, she descends into a dim catacomb – to a hidden hangout where the house drink happens to be type A or B. Drawn to one of its shadowy members, Raven suspects she’s in over her head. But exploring the covert club is too tempting, even after coming face-to-face with Alexander’s trouble-stirring enemy.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction > Science Fiction/Fantasy


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