Download The Chronicles of Maddox Black by E. Earle (.ePUB)

The Chronicles of Maddox Black by E. Earle (#1-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: Elizabeth Earle started life by waking up and becoming unsatisfied with reality. Obsessed with myths, legends, folklore and superstition, Elizabeth enjoys creating new worlds to fall into and finds it hard to crawl back out. After working as an English teacher, a waitress, a balloon artist and a sailor, Elizabeth can now be found huddled in her art studio working as an illustrator in the day and hunched over her laptop in the night.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. The Contract of Maddox Black
Determined. Daring. And soon to be Dead. Hanging for witchcraft is the least of Maddox Black’s problems. Becoming sworn to a demon Hunter is another… Thought dead for seven years, Maddox returns home to Greyport, intent on claiming her deceased father’s infamous travel journals. Before she can lay her hands on her inheritance, she discovers her drunkard cousin has already promised the journals to the Grim. To make things worse, the bankrupt Earl of Greyport is blackmailing her to race for them across the Damned Seas and a Hunter is knocking on her door, claiming she’s to join his Demon-exorcising Order. Running out of options, Maddox does the unthinkable and strikes a deal with the unnatural Hunter, leading her down a whirlwind of walking corpses, using dismembered fingers as currency, burning down plague-ridden villages and bribed to find a mad prince’s kidnapped sister. To survive, she will have to become the very thing people feared her to be…

2. The Hunt of Maddox Black
Maddox Black had to choose between the Devil and the deep blue sea. Now she’s wondering if she’s made the right decision. Plunged into a world of death, destruction, blood and war, there’s plenty of work to do with her new employer. The Hunter. Where war wages, the imbalance between worlds increases. Called in for exorcisms, hunting down werewolves, and being pursued by the forces of the Grim for bearing the Black name, Maddox is forced to except the darkness inside her to survive. To beat the monsters, she’ll have to become something even they are afraid of…

3. The Rising Shadow of Maddox Black
It’s customary in demon summoning to owe a debt in return. But what if you discovered a list of demons that owed your family favours? And worse- they were friends of the family? Reeling after the revelations in her father’s journals, Maddox Black realises that she cannot trust them with anyone. And especially not Wulfrik’s order of Hunters. Burdened with her growing ability to heal and drain life, Maddox’s very existence upsets the balance of nature. Discovering that the Grim intends to use her ability to resurrect the Old King, Maddox and Wulfrik race towards the Bone Isles, a place where the Grim cannot enter. And where she will become a Hunter. But Maddox is having doubts. With the Grim’s war upon the twelve kingdoms now trickling into the Otherworld, Maddox finds herself tempted by the list of demons that owe the Black family favours. Descending into the dark power inside her, she discovers terrible abilities- abilities that could secure herself on Wulfrik’s hunt list. Facing ghosts from Wulfrik’s past, their relationship is tested to breaking point. And as the Grim closes in on Maddox, she and the Hunter are forced to face what truly lies between them. And that may be the biggest danger of them all…

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