Download The Chain Between Worlds by Johnathon Nicolaou (.ePUB)

The Chain Between Worlds by Johnathon Nicolaou (The Lost Artefacts #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.33mb Retail
Overview: At the age of five Lincoln was abandoned inexplicably at an orphanage by his father with nothing but a promise to return and an old wrist chain. 11 years later when seemingly ordinary 16-year-old Lincoln runs away from yet another foster home, heading to his favoured spot in New York City, he is attacked by a dog, a monstrous three headed dog the size of a truck. Becoming marked, a string of attacks follow, only ending when he is saved by El, Ben, and AJ, a group of enhanced people known as Ascendants. Discovering the world is not as it seems, with Sorcerers, Nature Spirits and demonic monsters all hiding in plain sight, he learns that he is a long-lost Ascendant himself; discovering that the chain his father left him was at the centre of a conspiracy that resulted in his abandonment and his father’s subsequent disappearance.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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