Download The Cauchemar Projection by Nik Rawlinson (.ePUB)+

The Cauchemar Projection by Nik Rawlinson (Remus Carey #1)
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 531 KB
Overview: An analyst stealing documents from the French secret service, Russian troops on Europe’s border, and a murder in a monastery in the foothills of the Alps. When a series of unlikely events happens in quick succession, Europol calls on Remus Carey to find the cloistered killer – and stop its secrets leaking.

Cut off from the outside world, he must find clues in the monastery’s medieval archive, trawl long-forgotten remedies, and work out how an unlikely ally – a colony of bees – can help him complete his mission.

Not only a race against time, it’s a race to understand it, in a place where the clocks count differently, everyone has an alibi, and an ambitious astrophysicist is sure that science will let him see into the future.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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