Download The Caged Kingdom by M A Price (.MOBI)

The Caged Kingdom (Unforgiven #1) by M A Price
Requirements: .MOBI reader, 513 KB
Overview: A woman forged by fire. A girl the curse has chosen.
A Soldier with a secret. A forgotten war.

Katanya Leshi is one of the most powerful Wielders left in the Kingdom of Brodanna.
She spent her life becoming a weapon, as deadly with her magic as she is with a blade.
After vowing never to return to Kara’s Guild, only a debt to an old friend can bring her back and into the path of Mara Lars.

Mara had only ever wanted to be a story teller, she never thought she’d wind up the centre in a story of her own.

Freed from an oppressive King she finds herself thrust into a world of magic and danger.

The monsters of legend are real, and she must stop them.
In a world on the brink of mayhem Captain Jaxon Rowdedge hides a secret that could get him killed or worse…
After the perfect soldier has lost everything, an unexpected ally may be his only chance.

An ancient enemy threatens to destroy their world, Brodanna stands on the brink of war.
Soon they will have to take a stand or watch all they love burn…
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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