Download The Cabin by C. Mack (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Cabin by C. Mack
Requirements: Epub reader/Mobi reader, 1.04 Mb
Overview: There is more to Rachel Clarke, the British born actress, than meets the eye…

After years of being hounded by a stalker she marries, but as the convenience wears off and exhaustion from filming sets in she finds herself seeking the refuge of her beloved cabin.

On her way an unexpected snowstorm throws her, literally, into the path of Jem with whom she forms a firm friendship; something she thought impossible with the ‘tell-all’ world of celebrity gossip. The easy going attitude in the small town of Bradely allows Rachel to let down her defences and it’s not long until new feelings towards the paramedic surprise the award winning actress.

However, her ensuing divorce and the unwanted attention from her long-time stalker causes an unfortunate series of events to unfold.

Can their fledgling relationship weather the storm or will the pressures surrounding Rachel’s celebrity status prove too much?
Genre: Romance, Lesbian FF


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