Download The Butterfly Garden by Mary Campisi (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Butterfly Garden (That Second Chance Book 6) by Mary Campisi
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 984KB | Retail
Overview: Sometimes love happens when you least expect it…

Jenny Romano has never been a white-picket-fence, happily-ever-after girl. Despite a mother who rejected her free-spirited, unique ways as irresponsible and just plain wrong, Jenny has found happiness as a photographer, flitting around the country and snapping photos of other people’s lives. Her older sister, Grace, has a husband, children, and a carpool schedule. She’s the one their mother calls “perfect.”

But when tragedy strikes her sister’s carefully constructed life, Jenny must step in and help. Soon, she’s knee-deep in small-town, suburban life, the kind she’s always avoided…

Psychologist Elliot Drake spends so much time healing other people’s pain that he prefers to keep his own relationships short and uncomplicated. He’s loved and lost once and with a young daughter to raise, he’s not willing to risk his heart again. Of course, he’s never met anyone quite like Jenny. Outrageous and unpredictable, she’s nothing like her well-controlled older sister. And the more he’s around Jenny, the more he wonders if short-term is really what he wants…

Elliot and Jenny are about to discover that real life happens whether you want it to or not. Will they let real love happen, too?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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