Download The Briny Deep Mysteries series by Jennifer Torres (.ePUB)+

The Briny Deep Mysteries Series by Jennifer (Mary) Torres (Books 1 & 2)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 1.6MB
Overview: When I wasn’t searching my house for secret passageways or scouring the neighborhood for hidden treasure, I spent much of my childhood reading. As an adult, I work as a freelance writer and I’m the author of 10+ books.
Genre: Science Fiction | Young Adult


The Disappearing (The Briny Deep Mysteries, #1) – Other than a strange, recurring dream that involves running for his life, Tim is a happy guy. In this paranormal mystery, Jennifer Torres introduces us to the seaside town of Briny Deep; an ideal spot to grow up for Tim and his close friends: Max, Emily, Luke, and Nina. Nothing bad ever happens hereuntil a stranger appears in town and a young girl vanishes – then others. The friends must scramble to uncover the truth as they begin to wonder if those closest to them have been hiding something unimaginable.

The Return (The Briny Deep Mysteries, #2) – Life is anything but normal in the small seaside town of Briny Deep. As the mystery of the missing kids remains unsolved, Tim vows to find answers. With the help of his friends, the group must bravely search the town for clues but someone close to them may be hiding the biggest secret of all.

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Book #3 is here: … C+Jennifer

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