Download The Boss’s Lady by Victoria Harrold (.ePUB)

The Boss’s Lady by Victoria Harrold (Mendoza Cartel #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 193 kB
Overview: A cartel boss, an innocent and a psychopath = A story to break your heart. The pieces might not fit back together in the same way, but they will fit.
Micha Mendoza is head of the Mendoza Cartel. Due to old family loyalties, he agrees to marry the daughter of his father’s friend. She is on the run from a man even Micha avoids, and marriage seems like the answer. Until she is taken anyway.
Annalise Rodriguez is the owner of a popular bar in Mexico City. A lady in every sense of the word and one that many desire. Unfortunately for her, Nicolas Santini has decided she will be his. But, when she refuses, Nicolas Santini’s true colours are revealed. Leaving Anna, no choice but to run for her life.
Will Micha find her in time? Will Anna be able to overcome her nightmares and survive? Or will Nicolas Santini destroy them both?
Genre: Romance


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