Download The Blitz by Juliet Gardiner (.ePUB)+

The Blitz: Our Cities Under Attack by Juliet Gardiner
Requirements: ePUB Reader, MOBI Reader, AZW Reader, 1.59 MB
Overview: n a series of powerful accounts drawn from diaries, letters, sound archives and interviews recorded during the period of devastation, discovery and transformation that make the blitz such an outstanding event in Britain’s recent past, "The Blitz" brings to life the intense experiences, as they happened all over Britain.

The blitz proved to be a highly effective laboratory constructed out of necessity, and intense forcing house for change.

Yet, compared to other great events of the Second World War – Dunkirk, D – Day, and even VE Day, the Blitz remains curiously unexamined.

A type of cleansing resulted from it. It soon became evident that many of the attitudes in society were outdated.
The most obvious inequalities between British society also became clear, and yet with everyone sharing the same devastation, these differences slowly began to lose their importance.

As well as a social laboratory, the Blitz was a medical one too. Overworked doctors and scientists were forced to experiment and improvise. It was during the Blitz that the embryonic blood transfusion service grew to become a nation-wide institution. Psychoanalysis took on a new meaning too: the enemy was now external, someone different from "us".
It gave coherence to artists and writers at the time such as Cecil Beaton.
Genre: History

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