Download The Blackmoore Brothers by Martina Dale (.ePUB)

The Blackmoore Brothers by Martina Dale (#1-2)
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Overview: Hi I’m Martina Dale and I love all things romance especially alpha heroes, grumpy billionaires, and strong female role models in my books. I love reading all types of books but romance novels are my favorite and because of my love of anything romantic I decided to put my thoughts and dreams down on paper. Some of my work is soft, sweet and occasionally comedy but it sometimes it has an element of suspense and drama and may contain triggers. But there is always a bit of the naughty. All my books have a happy ever after. That’s why we escape into a good romance book right?

I have two beautiful children, a wonderful husband and a crazy pooch who joins me on every writing mission.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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The Ride (#1)
My wedding day was supposed to be the happiest day of my life, but when the groom isn’t as faithful as you’d like, there is only one thing to do . . .
Leave his sorry ass at the altar, move halfway around the world, and start over.
A new apartment, a new me, and when I land my perfect job, it comes with the man of my dreams. The only downside is he works for my new employers, and, not knowing how they feel about relationships at work, I ghost him. I regret it every day, but I know deep down it was the right thing to do.
My first day working as the Marketing Director for the world-renowned theme park moguls Blackmoore Enterprises was going really well until I came face-to-face with the man who has my heart.
But he is not the man I believed he was.
The man is an ogre. He’s a bully and likes the words “You’re fired” a little too much.
I need to decide. Do I go home with my tail between my legs, or do I stay, ignore him, and show him he’s not the boss of me?
Either way, I’m in for a hell of a ride on this roller coaster called life.

The Venue (#2)
She was the hottest woman I’d ever set eyes on. Something had told me she was special and to keep hold of her, at least for a few nights. But I listened to my brother and gave her a fake name. With my wealth, I was used to women wanting me for my black card, and I was sick of it, so I took his advice. Only it backfired. She also gave me a false name and disappeared before the sun came up, and as I know nothing about her, finding her again is impossible.
Until our paths cross, and we are in the same place at the same time. It’s been months, but she’s never left my memory. I’ve just got to convince her to stay.

First impressions can be deceiving as we will find out in this latest book of The Blackmoore Brothers

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