The Biggest Little Book About Hope by Kathryn Goetzke MBA
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: The Biggest Little Book About Hope is a skill-based guide for anyone seeking to move from hopelessness into a life of hope.
Featuring honest depictions of Kathryn Goetzke’s own experiences with hopelessness and suicide, as well as the expertise of hope researchers and the creation of Goetzke’s own hope curriculums, The Biggest Little Book About Hope takes readers on a journey of personal growth and discovery that leads them towards a more hope-filled future.
Kathryn Goetzke shares her personal journey of getting her brand Mood-lites into retail and creating the first cause-marketing campaign for mental health, while also demonstrating what led her out of depression and into true hope. As hopelessness is predictive of self-harm, addiction, weapon-carrying on school property, violence, and suicide, Goetzke makes the case for why it is essential to teach hope to all populations. She also shares the many free resources she has created around hope, including Hopeful Minds and Hopeful Cities, to drive a global movement for hope.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help
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