Download The Awakening of Artemis by John Calia (.ePUB)+

The Awakening of Artemis by John Calia
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 1.1 MB
Overview: Orphaned and disillusioned, Diana Gutierrez-Adams is on a routine military assignment when she is kidnapped by a domestic militia. She learns from her captors that her cryogenically-frozen grandfather is at the center of a high-stakes caper to steal technology for greed and great fortune. Set in 2049 America — a world where the elites make all the rules and artificial intelligence enforces them – the real danger is that the technology will be lost in the ensuing chaos. With her life under threat, Diana is forced into a desperate bid to escape, taking with her Gabrielle, her soulmate and the one person she knows she can trust. To evade a devious enemy who is one step ahead of them at every turn, Diana and Gabrielle must outsmart the global monitoring systems that tracks their every move. On a trail littered with the dystopian remains of middle-class America, they will come face-to-face with an artificial intelligence that threatens the future of all humankind.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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