Download The Autumn Leaf by Brittany Tarkington (.ePUB)

The Autumn Leaf by Brittany Tarkington
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 432 kb
Overview: Autumn Miller drifted coolly into Washington state with a fat stack of cash and only the clothes on her back. Graduate and blend in; those were her only goals.
Autumn didn’t take into consideration everyone around her would be so friendly. Especially Liam Shafer, the gray-eyed boy following her around campus. The closer she gets to Liam, she realizes they have a lot in common. He may keep her secrets safe, but she can’t keep everyone out. When a missing person’s poster is found, she’s confronted with everything she left behind.
For Autumn, picking up and running away is always the answer. Only this time, she may have something worth staying and fighting for.
Genre: Romance


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