Download The Authorised History of British Defence by Peter Davies (.PDF)

The Authorised History of British Defence Economic Intelligence: A Cold War in Whitehall, 1929-90 by Peter Davies
Requirements: .PDF reader, 6 MB
Overview: This book is the first history of UK economic intelligence and offers a new perspective on the evolution of Britain’s national intelligence machinery and how it worked during the Cold War.
British economic intelligence has a longer pedigree than the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) and was the vanguard of intelligence coordination in Whitehall, yet it remains a missing field in intelligence studies. This book is the first history of this core government capability and shows how central it was to the post-war evolution of Whitehall’s national intelligence machinery. It places special emphasis on the Joint Intelligence Bureau and Defence Intelligence Staff – two vital organisations in the Ministry of Defence underpinning the whole Whitehall intelligence edifice, but almost totally ignored by historians.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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