Download The Ascension Of Harry Reel by Robert Edward Ruiz (.ePUB)

The Ascension Of Harry Reel: Upon Fracking Infinity by Robert Edward Ruiz
Requirements: ePUB reader, 125 KB
Overview: The year is 2147: Things have started to go awry, Big time. Entire chunks of the here and now are simply starting to disappear. The CEO of the largest corporation this side of the universe has inflicted major damage upon an ancient artifact, attempting to modify it to make use of the mysterious portal it controls so he can transport clients and goods to and from any point in space and time he desires. In spite of repeated warnings that the consequences could include the abrupt elimination of the entire human race, he presses forward with his modifications. He’s willing to take that risk. The profit potential is enormous!
Is it possible for everything we know and love to be destroyed by the pride and greed and stupidity of a single powerful person?
Yes it is. Within hours of receiving his certification as a starship pilot, young Harry Reel is required to report for duty aboard the Starship Hatcher for a mission that is not divulged until after the starship blasts off. In fact, not until the ship actually reaches its destination does the crew of Starship Hatcher learn that their mission involves repairing the substantial damage done to a secret artifact, a huge circular contraption which turns out to be an ancient portal to other dimensions, to other points in space in time, and quite possibly a direct link between the here and now and hell itself…
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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