Download The Art to Attracting Women by James Francis (.ePUB)

The Art to Attracting Women.: The Ultimate Guide to Getting More Dates. Welcome to the ultimate guide to attracting women. by James Francis
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: This guide is aimed at the average guy with just average looks and resources available to him.

This book will give you an insight into how to make yourself a much more attractive prospect in the world of dating and relationships.

This guide cuts right through all the bullshit of other guides that are misleading and will only lead to frustration.

Most guides to attracting women will tell you that you need to be an alpha male in order to succeed with women.

They give little chance to most guys and especially to average guys like us.

I am going to show you why this concept is false and how it is possible for any guy to make himself a better prospect in the eyes of a woman.

There are so many pick up gurus with so many pick up bibles. They all tend to say the same things. And now there are so many guys following their advise that women can see right through it.

I will show you the things you can do to achieve this but remember this. If you have a normal 9 to 5 office job, you can be masculine and attract women. You are an average Joe working a construction job, you can be masculine and attract women. In fact whatever job you have you can become more masculine and attract women. It is even possible to attract women with no job if you set your mind to it.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


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