Download The Ancestor series by L.J. Suarez (.ePUB)

The Ancestor series by L.J. Suarez (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 661 KB
Overview: L.J. Suarez is the author of the sci-fi series The Ancestor. He writes exciting page-turners featuring flawed and relatable characters who are thrust into extraordinary situations. L.J. was born and raised in South Florida by Cuban parents and has a strong connection to his Latin cultural roots that has shaped who he is today.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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1. The Ancestor
He’s the future of humankind—if he can survive in it.

In the year 12039, Monads rule the planet. As the sole descendants of humanity, they’ve brought civilization far beyond what it once was before homo sapiens went extinct. When they clone their first fully-grown human, dissent explodes over the man known only as "Six."

Created in a lab, he’s the first living human to walk the Earth since the extinction event centuries ago. With no memory of who he is or where he comes from, Six struggles to find his place within a society where some see him as a threat to their way of life.

Some Monads don’t want the human race to continue at all. When Six is framed for murder, he’s cast out of Monad civilization and forced to confront the harsh world that lies beyond. Six must piece together his past and prove his innocence while he grapples with survival in a world that has evolved beyond his very own existence.

2. The Shadow Order
An ancient order has risen from the shadows.

Fourteen years after defeating the Archivist, the human clone formerly known as "Six" has forged a new life among the Monads. With his memory restored, Aaron and his wife and son have built a flourishing community of twenty-two thousand other humans living peacefully alongside their descendants.

But there are certain Monads hidden among them with nefarious plans for their ancestors.

A centuries-old secret society awakens their primordial ruler, who unleashes a deadly virus onto the last remnants of humanity. When his family becomes infected, Aaron is on a race against time to save the community. With the help of his trusted friend and brilliant Monad scientist Dr. Ionne, Aaron must find a cure to the plague that’s devastating his people and stop this new threat.

If he fails, humankind will suffer a second extinction.

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