Download The Alpha Quadrant Series by Enid Titan (.ePUB)

The Alpha Quadrant Series by Enid Titan (# 1-2)
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Overview: Enid Titan is a Central New York based author of debut novel Devor of The Alpha Quadrant Series. When not hiking around Ithaca’s Gorges, binging on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine re-runs and doing yoga, Enid is plotting out more juicy science fiction romance stories.
Genre: Romance, Sci-Fi


Book 1 – Devor: Seven feet tall and bulging with firm muscles, the Crown Prince will have me any way he chooses… Stolen from my home. Trapped on a giant spaceship. Taken by the Prince of an alien species I never knew existed. He’s more than a man in so many ways. But I can’t let myself fall under the telepath’s spell. I can’t think about his long silver blond warrior’s hair… His glowing eyes… His unique tongues… Or the immense equipment dangling between his legs. I have to be sensible — I have to escape. The only problem is that the Crown Prince will never let me out of his sight. And even if I did escape, I’d have no way to get back to Earth.

Book 2 – Tau: With scaly green skin, firm ridges, a thick firm tail and a larger than life you-know-what, the trader Damir will have me any way chooses… Stolen from my home. Trapped in subterranean tunnels… Ogled at by giant alien reptiles… My only hope at escape is the trader Damir — my buyer. I can’t let myself fall under the trader’s spell… I shouldn’t fantasize about his long black hair and twisted horns. His lime-green eyes… His forceful lips… Or the immense equipment dangling between his legs. I have to be sensible — I have to escape. Damir won’t let me out of his clutches without a fight. And even if I did escape, I’d have no way to get back to Earth.

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