Download The Agency by Alex Luddon (.ePUB)

The Agency by Alex Luddon (Dominion City Thrillers #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 328kb
Overview: A dead journalist. A trail of money. A corrupt detective.

Hannah Rivera, the editor of a major newspaper, has been murdered. Her protege Lisa Winter is assisting Detective Agatha Jones with her enquiries. But as the investigation drags on, more bodies appear, and Lisa begins to question Agatha Jones’ motives.

Does she really care about what happened to Hannah Rivera? And why is she so interested in Lisa’s past?

As Lisa becomes increasingly obsessed with Rivera’s murder, she puts her life — and the lives of others — on the line. By the end, none of them will ever be the same again.

Looking for an explosive crime thriller with a agonizing twist? Get The Agency today!
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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