Download Terry Gilliam: The Battle of Brazil by Jack Mathews (.ePUB)

The Battle of Brazil: Terry Gilliam Versus Universal Pictures in the Fight to the Final Cut by Jack Mathews
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.45MB
Overview: In 1985, Universal Pictures released Terry Gilliam’s film Brazil under protest. Gilliam had mounted the first director’s guerrilla campaign against a major Hollywood studio to circumvent his movie being sliced to bits or shelved. The LA Times writer Jack Mathews was right in the middle of the battle, acting as an intermediary between the president of Universal, Sid Sheinberg, and Gilliam and producer Arnon Milchan. This is a blow-by-blow account of that epic and historic fight as it happened in 1985 as well as from the more sober perspective of a dozen years after the conflict.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Biographies & Memoirs


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