Download Terrorism and the Illuminati by David Livingstone (.M4B)

Terrorism and the Illuminati by David Livingstone
Requirements: .M4A/M4B reader, 243 MB
Overview: There exists a sinister relationship between Islamic terrorism and occult secret societies, dating back centuries. The highest order of Western occultism, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, traces its descent to the heretical of the Ismaili Muslims of Egypt, known as the Assassins. During the Crusades, European knights derived from them an ancient occult tradition with its roots in Babylon of the sixth century BC, known as Kabbalah. With Napoleon’s conquest of Egypt, the Freemasons reconnected with their brethren in Egypt, sparking a relationship that was pivotal to the development of the Occult Revival of the late nineteenth century. It produced the Salafi reform movement of Islam, since promoted by Saudi Arabia, and the Nazis of Europe, who collaborated to found the Muslim Brotherhood, that collective of Islamic terrorists who have been serving the New World Order plot ever since.
Genre: Audiobook > Non-fiction


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