Download Tempted at Midnight by Rose Bak (.ePUB)

Tempted at Midnight (Midlife Crisis Contemporary Romance #6) by Rose Bak
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 372 KB
Overview: She’s a single mom on the wrong side of forty. He’s a single dad with a mission: convince the love of his life that they won’t turn into pumpkins when the ball drops at midnight!

My kids are away for the weekend, so my best friend convinces me to come to Houston for a New Year’s Eve party. I’m a blue-collar worker busy raising three boys not some cartoon princess, but with a makeover and a new dress, I sure feel like one! There’s even a handsome prince, but when the sun rises on New Year’s Day, I realize he isn’t who he said he was.

When I wake up alone after the best holiday of my life, I can’t figure out what went wrong. Fortunately, fate brings me back into Lillian’s path, and after I convince her that I wasn’t lying to her, we begin to navigate the complexities of dating as single parents. But we live in different towns and have very busy lives, making it almost impossible for us to have couple time. For this to work, we’re going to need a lot of patience, a little creativity, and some intervention from our kids.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Contemporary


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