Download Teleosis by Amy W. Vogel (.ePUB)

Teleosis by Amy W. Vogel
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 862 kb
Overview: She lost everything and was forced to build a new life…

Inira Boehme was on the brink of her ascension to the role of High Priestess and Supreme Ruler of Teleosis, an ancient civilization born at the moment of Creation to bring hope, vision, and abundance to the whole world. Until her future was destroyed and left in as much ruin as the capital city…

Then, someone from her past offers to give it all back…

Twenty years later, she finds herself face to face with the life she worked tirelessly to hide.
Destiny comes in the form of a mysterious man who promises to redeem all she lost, but it will require immense sacrifice.

Now, she must choose which path to walk…

Fraught with hidden agendas, betrayal, and enemies as old as Creation itself, Inira must confront the sinister forces threatening to destroy all that she loves while fighting the darkness within herself to find her way to transformation and freedom.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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