Download Tasty & Tempting Teen Recipes by Allie Allen (.ePUB)

Tasty & Tempting Teen Recipes: A Complete Cookbook of Easy-to-Make Dish Ideas! by Allie Allen
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 16 MB
Overview: Do your teens always ask what you’re making for dinner?

How many times have they asked, just in the past week or so?

Why not teach your teens to prepare dinners once in a while?

Teenagers are forever hungry and forage through your kitchen looking for snacks to fill them up till the next meal is served. How great would it be to ask THEM what’s for dinner some evening?

You can do that anytime you want as soon as you teach your teens to cook real meals.

Undoubtedly, cooking is a skill that will serve your teens well throughout their adult life. And I’m not talking about just boiling water and dumping in a box of macaroni and cheese mix. They’ll soon be adults and will soon be living independently.

When your teens grow up, they won’t be living on your money anymore, and that’s not the time to realize how unhealthy and expensive it can be to eat out or order meals through delivery services. Your teens are probably at least a little bit interested in making foods they enjoy, and they will learn from you how to plan meals, shop for ingredients and cook nutritious, healthy, delicious dinners.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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