Download Taste of Honey by Marie Simmons (.ePUB)

Taste of Honey: The Definitive Guide to Tasting and Cooking with 40 Varietals by Marie Simmons
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 17 MB
Overview: Honey is a lot like olive oil; how do you know what type to select from the farmers’ market or the store shelf? Are all honey bears created equal? What makes one variety of honey different from another? Which is better for baking and which is best for savory dishes?

Why is one darker than another in color, what does that mean? All these questions and more will be answered in Taste of Honey. Veteran cookbook author Marie Simmons helps readers understand the life of a bee, and how the terroir of its habitat influences both the color and flavor of the honey it produces. Then she explains how these flavor profiles are best paired with certain ingredients in over 60 sweet and savory simple, delicious recipes. Here is just a sample: Snacks and Breakfast: Flatbread with Melted Manchego, Rosemary and Honey; Honey, Scallion and Cheddar Scones; Honey French Toast with Peaches with Honey and Mint. Main Dishes: Crispy Coconut Shrimp with Tangy Honey Dipping Sauce; Salmon with Honey, Miso and Ginger Glaze; Baby Back Ribs with Chipotle Honey Barbecue Sauce; Cold Chinese Noodles with Peanut Honey Sauce. Salads and Vegetable Side Dishes: Pear, Stilton and Bacon Salad with Honey Dressing and Honey Glazed Pecans; Mango and Celery Salad with Honey and Lime Dressing; Honey Glazed Beets with Cinnamon, Orange and Mint; Roasted Eggplant Slices with Warmed Feta and Honey Drizzle. Sweets: Honey Pear Tart with Honey Butter Sauce; Chunky Peanut Butter and Honey Cookies; Honey Zabaglione; Honey Panna Cotta; Micki’s Special Honey Fudge Brownies. Each recipe includes a detailed guide for the type of honey that will work best with it, along with some ideas to experiment with.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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