Download Tapas Revolution by Omar Allibhoy (.ePUB)

Tapas Revolution by Omar Allibhoy
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 23 MB
Overview: Omar Allibhoy is the new face of Spanish cooking: he’s charismatic, effusive, passionate and wants to bring Spanish food to the people of the UK.
Tapas Revolution is the breakthrough book on simple Spanish cookery. Using everyday storecupboard ingredients, Omar offers a new take on the classic tortilla de patatas, making this iconic dish easier than ever, and brings a twist to pinchos morunos and pollo con salsa. With sections covering vegetables, salads, rice dishes, meat, fish, cakes and desserts, the emphasis is on simplicity of ingredients and methods – reinforcing the fact that absolutely anyone can cook this versatile and accessible food.
Genre: Non Fiction Cookbook


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