Download Taken By The Vampire King by Roxie Ray, Lindsey Devin (.ePUB)

Taken By The Vampire King (Baton Rouge Vampire Book 1) by Roxie Ray and Lindsey Devin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 341 kB
Overview: Never make a deal with a billionaire, particularly one who’s a vampire . . .

The deal is simple: spend a month with a mysterious billionaire who is the owner of Louisiana’s La Petite Mort Casino, and he’ll forget my father’s gambling debts. If it means saving our family home and business, I’ll do anything.

With his strong, sexy, take charge arrogance, Nicolas Dupont is a mystery to me. But it doesn’t matter how hot he is. This is purely a business arrangement. Nic can have any woman he wants and it makes no sense that he’d be interested in a virgin like me. I’m certainly not about to fall for a guy who thinks he can own me.

So I go hunting for a way to free myself. When I discover I’m the hunted, and there are those who want my blood, Nic claims he can protect me. But can I trust one of his kind?

When this began, I thought I might lose everything. Now I’m not sure if I’ll make it out alive . . .
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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