Download Taken by her Alien Warriors by Doris O’Connor (.ePUB)

Taken by her Alien Warriors by Doris O’Connor (The Warriors #1)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 690 KB
Overview: The men of any species have needs…

Gemini Hudson has grown up, knowing the truth behind those words, but what happens when those needs pitch lovers against each other in a war torn galaxy?

Cirrion Warrior Zorran rescued a nine year old Gemini in a rare show of compassion. Twelve years later his slave has grown into a beautiful young woman which he feels inexorably drawn to. However, she is only human and too fragile for his dark desires. Desires he is certain he can only share with one man—his Drakan lover Ornack.

With Drakan at war with Cirrion the men’s relationship seems doomed to failure. Giving Gemini to Ornack will fulfil their emotional needs in a way Zorran can’t.

From the minute he sees her, Lord Ornack knows this female is the one woman who can complete their circle, because she loves Zorran as much as he does.

There’s only one solution. Claim both his mates and damn the consequences.
Genre: Erotic Romance


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