Download Swan Song Murder by R. A. Wallace (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

Swan Song Murder by R. A. Wallace (Goldie Weston Historical Mysteries Book 3)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 609 KB
Overview: Goldie Weston Historical Mysteries 1920s light and clean cozy Book 3
Goldie is thrilled that her ladies’ column has attracted an audience eager to follow her advice on household tips and matters of the heart. If only she could convince her own family to appreciate the same melody. Is it any wonder why she finds them so off key?
Having flapper-aged sisters tempted by the allure of bootleggers, rum runners, and yeggs would cause anyone to sing a sad song. Goldie is determined to change their tune no matter how busy she may be.
When a member of her extensive family agrees to return to the stage to reprise a popular role, Goldie is tasked with handling the arrangements. Never one to pass up a reason to plan a party, she throws herself into the role. When an unexpected murder hits a sour note, special agent Zebulon Masterson has no shortage of suspects given that her entire family was in attendance.
Goldie’s dance card is full trying to find a killer, keep her younger sisters out of trouble, and throw a party worthy of a star while remaining one step ahead of a special agent hard on her stylish heels. A light and clean cozy roaring twenties historical mystery that offers a look into life in the early 1920s.
Genre: Mystery/Thrilller


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